vineri, 28 octombrie 2011

Sad eyes

Sad eyes never lie
No matter how hard they try
The pain is always there
Always in that mournful stare
Eyes so glassy and empty
So much so it envokes pity
What stole the soul of these beautiful spheres?
What could take away all their hopes and dreams?
What heart could kill their light?
Turing from open and warm to cool and tight?
Poor little orbs of brown and green
How could the world be so cruel and mean?
I know behind that wall you've built you wish to cry
Because sad eyes can never lie

Bitter Rhapsody

Listen to my bitter rhapsody
Hear my mournful melody
Listen to my heartbreak
Hear how it is torn apart for God sake
Why does this always happen to me?
Why am I made to suffer so greatly?
To finally find some happiness
Just to be taken away with such swiftness
Why does this always have to happen?
To be crushed over and over again
When will it be my turn?
So that this pain will no longer burn
Can you hear my mournful melody?
Are you listening to my bitter rhapsody?

One Thousand Faces of Me

One thousand faces of me
One thousand masks to hide behind
Which one could be the true me?
This solution no one shall find
I am so fake; Such a lie
This lie I live kills me inside
It hurts so bad I want to die
From this pain I can not hide
Every breathe is torture
Every waking moment a trial
I no longer look to the future
I no longer care to smile
Take my life, take my breath
Take my hand and lead me into death

marți, 28 iunie 2011


Love, Is beautiful, Is pain, Is wanted and needed, Like the falling rain.
Love, It completes you, It doesn’t die, It moves, It’ll make you cry.
Love, What I breathe for, What’s worth waiting? What’s inside, This game of baiting?
Love, You can’t escape, You can’t deny it, You can’t ignore, Or try to forget.
Love, Every waking moment, Every beat of the heart, Everything you do, For love from the start.
Love, Find it within you. Find it soon, Find it in the shadows, Of the fading moon

joi, 23 iunie 2011

Dear Demon

Darling demon, deceitful joy,
Beloved traitor, venomous boy,
I loved you once and once was tough;
Forever and on - it's not enough.
You let me live encased in lies.
You broke my heart beneath red skies.
The blood did fall, it stained the earth,
And tears did join: all my life's worth.
You love to hurt, to kill, to play;
I just hope you'll see someday:
That even dreams that do not live
Can give the chance to forget and forgive.